Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sports and the inactive fan

I love to watch the Super Bowl. I love planning the food and guest list. Oh and I really love the NBA All Star Weekend ~ slam dunk contest, three point shoot out. The excitement of the World Series can cause thrills and anxiety.

I hate the rest of the season. Lol ~ I don't watch one game of any sport except the endings. Is that sick? I don't think so. I used to watch all the games I could in the NBA seasons. But after a bit you start losing out because it's hard to remember teams, trades, averages, triple doubles, etc.

Now I just listen to the news, enjoy watching the highlights on, and the low lights of players on YouTube. It's a time saver for seasons that just don't seem as competitive and fun as before. The big game is enough for me. (and the party I get to throw too). Lol

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